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Hadrian’s Wall

Nothing says ‘Conflict’ like a the Roman Army. For nearly 300 years the Roman military from across the Empire were stationed on Hadrian’s Wall in the North of Englang. The wall is over 70 miles long and probably served a number of different purposes during that time.

So, along the wall were a number of forts and milecastles. The milecastles were small forts that were placed every 1200-1500 metres along the wall. They are about 20mx20m in size and usually guard a gate in the wall.

For this map I’ve taken the locations of the milecastles from the amazing Pleiades project (https://pleiades.stoa.org/) and displayed them in a tube-map style. The horizontal spacing between the milecastles is proportional to the distance between them, although I’ve kept them on a straight horizontal line.

The map is a little too large to see in detail on this page, but click on it to see the full image!

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Data: Pleiades under CC-BY 3.0 license